LI Chunyanポストドクトラル・フェローと共同研究者 論文を発表

東京カレッジLI Chunyanポストドクトラル・フェローと共同研究者が執筆した、中国におけるHIV予防の研究成果に関する論文が、下記の通り掲載されました。各論文は下記のリンクよりご覧いただけます(一部要購読)。
- Nguyen MX, Li C, Go VF, et al. A Systematic Review of Interventions for Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Young Transgender Women Living with HIV. AIDS Behavior. 2023.
This systematic review summarizes behavioral and structural interventions exclusively targeting young MSM and young transgender women living with HIV. The results highlight how we need more intervention studies in low-resource settings and to expand the scope of research to include structural barriers and different aspects of health among younger populations.
- Yang M, Li C, Tang K, et al. “They Have Their Own People”: Emotional Connections, Community Belonging, and Chinese Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBMSM) College Students’ Needs for Sexual Health Support". PLOS ONE. 2023.
The study highlights the unmet needs of MSM college students in China. It underscores the importance of developing future LGBTQ-affirmative sexual health programs among Chinese college students and young MSM communities in general.
- Marley G, Tan RKJ, Tucker JD, et al. Online Focus Group Discussions to Engage Stigmatized Populations in Qualitative Health Research: Lessons Learned. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 2023.
The study employs online chat-based focus group discussions (FDG) with MSM in China to investigate the advantages and limitations associated with the online FGD as a research approach and assesses its feasibility to deepen community participation in sexually transmitted infections research.
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