New Year Greetings

Happy New Year! I wish that 2021 will be a wonderful year for all of you.
For Tokyo College, founded in February 2019, this is our second New Year. There are two reasons why the college’s environment has altered radically since last year’s New Year. One of these is that since last March it has become impossible to hold public lectures and symposiums where we are able to meet directly with many people. It goes without saying that this is due to COVID-19. Instead, we have held a large number of online events, and I think we have been able to realize projects with altogether different characteristics. However, these all, unavoidably, tend to be one-way communication. For instance, it is very unfortunate for us not to be able to have opportunities to meet directly and have discussions with all of you. I am hoping very much that COVID-19 will end as quickly as possible and that the day will come when we are once again able to hold onsite events.
One further change is that many young researchers have joined Tokyo College during this past year. A total of 12 research fellows, three project assistant professors, five post-doctoral researchers and four project researchers have come to the college during this time. With these researchers as the core, online research meetings are being held regularly at the college on interdisciplinary research themes. These are extremely fascinating and significant gatherings, full of liveliness, inspiration and intimacy, the like of which I have never experienced before. These gatherings have been held nearly 50 times since April of last year.
The young researchers are able to think flexibly as well as take the initiative with great passion. Captivating blogs that you just cannot leave without reading, the mail magazine, as well as the promotion video of Tokyo College and other projects were all realized based on proposals by these young researchers. I have high expectations that these researchers will grow remarkably through their experiences at Tokyo College, and that the day will come when they will lead the academic activities both in Japan and worldwide.
This year, Tokyo College will move forward with active challenges to conduct a range of new projects that the University of Tokyo has thus far been unable to realize. We appreciate your further understanding and support in the coming year. This rather difficult period will continue for some time yet, but we hope that during this time you will take the utmost care of yourself and enjoy a healthy year.
January 2021
HANEDA Masashi