Lecture by Distinguished University Professor FUJITA Makoto at UTokyo New York Office (May 2nd)

In commemoration of Professor FUJITA Makoto becoming the first recipient of “The Ojima Distinguished Lectureship Award” established at Stony Brook University, a commemorative lecture will be held at the University of Tokyo New York Office (UTokyoNY).
Monday, May 2, 2022, 18:00-20:00 [NY time].
(Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 7:00-9:00 [Japan time])
Tentative Program:
① Opening remarks: Mr. MASUYAMA Masaharu , President of UTokyoNY
② Greetings from FUTI: Mr. OJIMA Iwao, President of FUTI
③ Lecture: “Self-organization as a New Principle for Materials Design and Synthesis” by Professor FUJITA Makoto
④ Q&A Session
⑤ Greetings from the University of Tokyo: Mr. TSUDA Atsushi, Executive Officer and Vice President of the University of Tokyo
⑥ Closing remarks: Mr. MASUYAMA Masaharu, President of UTokyoNY
Language: Japanese
Format: Online webinar (Zoom). Please register here
For more information, see the University of Tokyo New York Office website.
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