イベント - Tokyo College


Tokyo College aims to generate new knowledge to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society and spark deeper public engagement with the University. You can see the various events in calendar format on this page.

Upcoming Events

Panel discussion “The Economy of Japan Viewed from the Outside” (Speakers: Prof. Takatoshi ITO, Prof. Nobuhiro KIYOTAKI)

イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussion

Friday, 23 August 2024, 16:00-17:30 JST

This panel discussion will feature two distinguished Japanese economists from overseas. They will discuss the current situation of the Japanese economy and the challenges it faces. This discussion will provide new insights into the Japanese economy from an international perspective.

Event Reports

A Cultural History of Hacking (Lecture by Prof. Federico MAZZINI)


Monday, 24 June 2024, 15:00-15:45

The traditional historical narrative locates the birth of hacker culture in US universities in the 1960s. This talk will look at hackers as part of a longer chronology, beginning with science fiction novels at the end of the 19th century, continuing with radio hams in the 1910s and "phone phreaks" in the 1970s, and ending with computer hackers in the late 20th century. It will examine both what hackers and proto-hackers wrote about themselves and how they were perceived by the print media. It will show not only that hacker culture existed before computers, but also that it is an integral part of modern Western technoculture, influencing its ideas about innovation and positive human-machine relationships, as well as media coverage of technology and online communication strategies.

Family-run Medical Institutions in Japan (Lecture by Prof. Roger GOODMAN)


Thursday, 30 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 JST

Around 80% of all hospitals and around 90% of clinics in Japan are private. Of these private institutions in total, up to 75% are family-run. This lecture sets out to fill a puzzling gap in the literature by describing the development and significance of dōzoku keiei iryō hōjin in the context of how the health system as a whole operates in Japan.

The Future of Globalization: A History (Lecture by Bill EMMOTT)


Tuesday, 4 June 2024, 16:00-17:30 JST

We are in an era in which globalization -- the connection of countries through trade, finance and ideas -- appears to be in retreat, as geopolitical tensions force governments to prioritize economic security and to try to "de-risk". Yet this is not the first time when globalization has been said to be reversing. By looking into history, we can understand what factors will truly determine the future course of globalization.

Event Calendar

Previous Events

You can search by keywords such as speakers and lecture themes.

UTokyo’s Unbalanced Gender Ratio: An Interactive Roundtable


Thursday, 25 July 2024 15:00-16:30 (Doors open: 14:30)

Why is the gender ratio at UTokyo so unbalanced? What can we do to solve this problem? This event will explore these questions through an interactive roundtable that will feature UTokyo professors, researchers, and students. The panelists will share their different perspectives on this pressing disparity, followed by open discussion with the audience. We welcome students and community members with diverse perspectives and backgrounds.

Peace, security and Artificial Intelligence


Friday, 12 July 2024, 14:00-15:00

This lecture will delve into the inherent risks that AI systems pose across the broader security domain, which are mentioned above, and will conclude with some insights on proposed governance models to prevent and mitigate the risks associated with these technologies. The afore include the need to elaborate binding norms, standards, and guidelines, as well as oversight, monitoring, validation and verification functions through a centralised authority with the appropriate mechanisms to enforce these regulations and ensure compliance through accountability, remedies for harm and emergency responses.

Book Launch “The Faraway Sky of Kyiv. Ukrainians in the War” (Lecture by Dr. Olga KHOMENKO)


Friday, 28 June 2024, 15:30-16:30

On July 25, 2023, Chuo Koron Shinsha published Dr. Komenko's book, 'The Faraway Sky of Kyiv. Ukrainians in the War', offering a unique perspective on the war in Ukraine.
This book originated from her experience of the war in Ukraine and stories from family members, friends, and former students. Her motivation to write this book came from being interviewed by Japanese media in early 2022. The questions she was asked lacked general knowledge of Ukrainian history and culture; therefore, she decided not to give any further interviews and to focus on writing in Japanese to provide a voice for Ukrainians instead.

A Cultural History of Hacking (Lecture by Prof. Federico MAZZINI)


Monday, 24 June 2024, 15:00-15:45

The traditional historical narrative locates the birth of hacker culture in US universities in the 1960s. This talk will look at hackers as part of a longer chronology, beginning with science fiction novels at the end of the 19th century, continuing with radio hams in the 1910s and "phone phreaks" in the 1970s, and ending with computer hackers in the late 20th century. It will examine both what hackers and proto-hackers wrote about themselves and how they were perceived by the print media. It will show not only that hacker culture existed before computers, but also that it is an integral part of modern Western technoculture, influencing its ideas about innovation and positive human-machine relationships, as well as media coverage of technology and online communication strategies.

The Salon ー Conversations with Prominent Professors at the University of Tokyo (Season 2)


Every Friday from June 7, 2024 (Available from 17:00 JST)

“The Salon” is a dialogue series featuring distinguished scholars in the humanities at the University of Tokyo that aims to transcend disciplinary boundaries. It is hosted by Professor Naoko Shimazu of Tokyo College.The conversations occur over a cup of coffee. We invite you to listen to an informal discussion between experts in different fields, as if you are sitting next to them.This is a chance to see a new side of our guests that you have never seen before.

The Future of Globalization: A History (Lecture by Bill EMMOTT)


Tuesday, 4 June 2024, 16:00-17:30 JST

We are in an era in which globalization -- the connection of countries through trade, finance and ideas -- appears to be in retreat, as geopolitical tensions force governments to prioritize economic security and to try to "de-risk". Yet this is not the first time when globalization has been said to be reversing. By looking into history, we can understand what factors will truly determine the future course of globalization.

Family-run Medical Institutions in Japan (Lecture by Prof. Roger GOODMAN)


Thursday, 30 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 JST

Around 80% of all hospitals and around 90% of clinics in Japan are private. Of these private institutions in total, up to 75% are family-run. This lecture sets out to fill a puzzling gap in the literature by describing the development and significance of dōzoku keiei iryō hōjin in the context of how the health system as a whole operates in Japan.

Central Banks in the 21st Century (Lecture by Prof. Luiz Awazu PEREIRA DA SILVA)


Wednesday, May 29th, 2024, 15:00-16:30 JST

Central banks, and central bankers, stand at a crossroads. They face five major forks in the 21st century requiring careful reflection: (1) the re-emergence of inflation and uncertainties; (2) climate change; (3) inequality; (4) digital financial innovation; and (5) artificial intelligence. Modern central banks have always strengthened their analytical thinking when facing challenges in the past, balancing risks properly and choosing the best path. Now, these new issues imply that central banks will have to carefully identify and analyze their challenging implications.

The Putative Unity of the West: On Anthropological Difference (Lecture by Prof. SAKAI Naoki)


Friday, 17 May 2024, 14:00-15:30 pm JST

The modern world's international landscape is shaped by an investment in anthropological difference since the emergence of "Europe" in the early modern era. This difference, distinguishing humanitas from anthropos, is anticipatory, guiding humanity's path as a regulative idea rather than a factual norm. It consolidates dichotomies such as Europe/Asia, West/Rest, and white/colored, fostering intricate affiliations. This lecture delves into the identity politics of whiteness, where individuals invest in European culture, Western civilization, and a race devoid of color. However, true belonging remains putative, only realized through contrast with the non-European, non-Western, and non-white.

Thinking through Permafrost (Lecture by Prof. Sabine DULLIN)


Tuesday, 14 May, 2024, 16:30-18:00 JST

In this lecture, Prof. Dullin will discuss how Permafrost was invented as a scientific issue, while also being a natural and meaningful ground for the native communities living on it. Then, she will show how Permafrost took, at the turn of the 21st century, a political meaning in the search for sovereignty in different Arctic substates, such as Yakutia.

What is a Global Historian’s Archive? (Lecture by Prof. Martin DUSINBERRE)


Friday, 10 May 2024, 10:30-12:00 JST

This lecture follows the Yamashiro-maru steamship across Asian and Pacific waters, innovatively reconstructing the lives of migrants who left Japan for work in Hawai'i, Southeast Asia and Australia in the late-nineteenth century. These stories bring together transpacific historiographies of settler colonialism, labour history and resource extraction in new ways. Drawing on an unconventional and deeply material archive, the lecture addresses key questions of method and authorial positionality in the writing of global history.