UTokyo’s Unbalanced Gender Ratio: An Interactive Roundtable

Date(s) | Thursday, 25 July 2024 15:00-16:30 (Doors open: 14:30) |
Venue |
The University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus (location details will be sent by email) Register here *Register by Sunday, July 21, 2024 **Lottery results to be announced by email on Monday, July 22, 2024
Registration | Pre-registration required (65 seats- Lottery) |
Language | English (Audience may ask questions in Japanese) |
Abstract |
Why is the gender ratio at UTokyo so unbalanced? What can we do to solve this problem? This event will explore these questions through an interactive roundtable that will feature UTokyo professors, researchers, and students. The panelists will share their different perspectives on this pressing disparity, followed by open discussion with the audience. We welcome students and community members with diverse perspectives and backgrounds. *Attendees will be able to ask questions in English or Japanese. *The event will be recorded, but only the panelists will appear in the video. |
Program |
Speakers YAGUCHI Yujin (Vice President (Global Education); Director, Center for Global Education; Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; The University of Tokyo) HONDA Yuki (Professor, Graduate School of Education, The University of Tokyo) ANDO Asuka (Project Researcher, Office for Gender Equity, IncluDE, The University of Tokyo) Misha CADE (Member of Tottoko Gender Movement) Short Video “Striving for Inclusivity: Examining the Gender Gap at UTokyo” by Team 3 of Global Education for Innovation and Leadership, UTokyo Q&A and Discussion Moderators Xinyu Promio WANG (Project Assistant Professor, Tokyo College) Shannon WELCH (Project Researcher, Tokyo College) |
Organized by | Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo / Office for Gender Equity, IncluDE |
Contact | tokyo.college.event@tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp |