Tokyo College Symposium: Business Restructuring after COVID-19

Tokyo College held Symposium: Business Restructuring after COVID-19
You can watch the recorded video here (Japanese language only)
Date(s) | Monday, 28 September 2020, 4:00-5:30 pm |
Venue |
Tokyo College YouTube Channel ( |
Language | Japanese language only |
Abstract |
We do not know when the world returns to “normal” or how a “new normal” will look like, but we know for sure that a “new normal” will be rather different from what we used to believe as normality. In many industries, corporations will be forced to develop new ways to conduct businesses to adjust to the new environment. During the crisis, the Japanese government supported many corporations by providing zero-interest unsecured loans without personal guarantees through government financial institutions and private sector banks. Although loans can be helpful in the short run, they may actually harm the business restructuring that is necessary to thrive in the new environment. Even with zero interest rate, loans can be too much of burdens for the corporations that need to venture into profitable areas in a “new normal”. What can the government do to avoid such problem of excessive debt and to encourage necessary business restructuring? The round table features experts from academia, business, and policy making to discuss the issues. |
Program |
【Moderator】 HOSHI Takeo (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo College Project Professor) 【Speakers】 TERASAWA Tatsuya (Senior Project Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Special Advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) TOYAMA Kazuhiko (Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. (IGPI) CEO) UEDA Kenichi (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) SASAKI Yuri (Professor, Faculty of Economics, Meiji Gakuin University) |
Organized by | Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo |