Symposium Series “The Future of the Humanities and Social Sciences”: Reconsidering the Division Between “the Humanities” and “the Sciences”

Date(s) | Monday, 12 July 2021, 10:00-12:00 am |
Venue |
Zoom Webinar (register here) |
Registration | Pre-Registration required |
Language | Japanese only |
Abstract |
It is common to consider the field boundaries within the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences as a two-way classification between “the humanities” and “the sciences.” However, given that there are a variety of ways to classify academic disciplines, it is inappropriate to unconsciously or uncritically accept such a division. In this panel, researchers with a variety of experience in contending with disciplinary boundaries will discuss examples of research areas that lie between “the humanities” and ” the sciences.” They will also speak about the relationship between academic discipline and education, and how we can reconsider the way that academic fields are classified. |
Program |
Panelists: |
Organized by | Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo | Co-organizer: East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts (EAA), the University of Tokyo |
Contact | |