【International Women’s Day Series】Strategies for Building Women- and Family-Friendly Workplaces

Date(s) | Wednesday, 16 March 2022 (available from 5:00pm JST) |
Venue | |
Language | English and Japanese simultaneous translation |
Abstract |
Women in the workforce in the United States and globally continue to face gender discrimination in a variety of forms, such as wage discrepancies and harassment. Join us as we talk to psychology professor Ho Kwan Cheung about strategies for building more women- and family-friendly workplaces. |
Speaker Profile |
Speaker: Ho Kwan Cheung, Ph.D. (Assistant Professor of Psychology at University at Albany, SUNY)(she/her/hers) Ho Kwan Cheung is an Assistant Professor at University at Albany. Her research focuses on understanding experiences of women in the workplace as they intersect with the work-family interface. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Spanish from Penn State University, and her Master and PhD in Industrial- Organizational Psychology from George Mason University.
Moderator: Eureka Foong, Ph.D. (Tokyo College Postdoctoral Fellow)(she/her/hers) Eureka Foong is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Tokyo College, the University of Tokyo. Her research seeks to understand the design of social technologies that promote equity in emerging non-standard forms of work, such as remote work and online freelancing. In addition to academic research, Eureka has experience managing software design and research projects at Facebook and Adobe in the US and Piktochart in Malaysia. |
Organized by | Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo |
Contact | tokyo.college.event@tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp |