“The Future of Higher Education” #1 Higher Education at a Crossroads: Envisioning Future Scenarios for the Field and for Society

Date(s) | Friday, 16 December 2022, 12:00-1:00 pm |
Venue |
Zoom Meeting (Register here) |
Registration | Pre-registration required |
Language | English |
Abstract |
This seminar offers to discuss the transformative power of higher education and at the same time debate what transformations the sector is required to undergo to better respond to the expectations of society. It aims to identify strategic challenges and opportunities ahead.
For more information about the “The Future of Higher Education” Dialogue Series, click here. |
Speaker Profile |
Speaker Hilligje van’t LAND (Secretary-General, International Association of Universities [IAU])
Dr. Hilligje van’t Land serves the global higher education community as Secretary-General of the International Association of Universities [IAU] – a global NGO with UNESCO Associate Status. IAU celebrated its 70th anniversary from December 9, 2020 to December 9, 2021. For the past two decades, Dr. Land has fostered the key role of higher education in societal transformation. She supervises the overall program activities of the IAU, develops the Association’s strategic plans and oversees the everyday work of the secretariat. She positioned the IAU as partner in UNESCO work on education for sustainable development and in the UNESCO Futures of Education initiative, and higher education as a key stakeholder for the UN Agenda 2030 – Transforming our world. Dr. Land strongly believes in the importance of international cooperation and intercultural understanding and has developed multilateral projects related to higher education and beyond. For more information, see https://www.iau-aiu.net/Hilligje-van-t-Land
Moderator Ahmed BAWA (Tokyo College Professor) |
Organized by | Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo |
Contact | tokyo.college.event@tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp |