HANEDA Masashi - 東京カレッジ

Gratitude for the Wonderful People I Have Met

Tokyo College was born on February 1st, 2019. The top photo seen below was taken on that memorable day, and it depicts myself with Professor Tokura, who assumed his dual post with Tokyo College that day,…

HANEDA Masashi

Our Fifth Spring

The seasons have turned, and in April, we welcomed the new academic year. This is the fifth spring for Tokyo College. The number of early-career researchers at the College now totals 22, with two associate professors,…

HANEDA Masashi

Mark Bookman

On the morning of Friday, December 16th, Tokyo College Postdoctoral Fellow Mark Bookman passed away. He was only 31 years old. When I received the news that afternoon, it was so sudden that I could hardly…

HANEDA Masashi

Our Fourth Spring

This month, Tokyo College welcomed its fourth academic year since its founding in February of 2019. As I noted in the blog titled “Graduate No. 1” from this past February, Tokyo College has grown steadily over…

HANEDA Masashi

Graduate No. 1

  Tokyo College was established on February 1, 2019. As of the end of January, exactly three years have passed. The first picture you see here is of myself and Distinguished University Professor TOKURA on the…

HANEDA Masashi

Research at Tokyo College

You may have noticed that an interesting new batch of information was recently uploaded to the Tokyo College website. At the top of our homepage on the second row, there are links to several pages beginning…

HANEDA Masashi

China and the Islamic World: Reading Ge Zhaoguang’s Chūgoku wa “Chūgoku” nanoka (Is China “China”?)

Specially-appointed (January – August 2020) Tokyo College professor Ge Zhaoguang’s Chūgoku wa “Chūgoku” nanoka: “Takuji Chūgoku” no imēji to genjitsu (Is China “China”? Image and reality of “Here in China I Dwell”) has been published by Toho Shoten. This volume is a Japanese translation of Zháizī zhōngguó (Zhonghua Book Company, Sino United Publishing), published in 2011.

HANEDA Masashi

Our Third Spring

April has arrived. For Tokyo College, which was founded on February 1st in 2019, this means we have now entered our third spring. The number of early career researchers has increased, with one Associate Professor, two Project Assistant Professors, five Project Researchers, and six Postdoctoral Fellows now housed at the College.

HANEDA Masashi

Our Fifth Research Theme

Since its establishment in February of last year, Tokyo College has undertaken a diverse range of activity on the basis of its adoption of four interdisciplinary research themes of importance to the contemporary world under the…

HANEDA Masashi

Tokyo College under the Covid-19 Crisis

April 2020 was supposed to mark a memorable month for Tokyo College. This was because entering the second year from its establishment, besides adding a new Project Professor MINO Takashi, Tokyo College was expected to see…

HANEDA Masashi