Tokyo College Blog - 東京カレッジ - Page 3
Tokyo College Blog

New Member Interview: Postdoctoral Fellow TSAI Hung Yin

In this blog series, we interview new members of Tokyo College. For this entry, we spoke with Dr. TSAI Hung Yin, a Postdoctoral Fellow who joined us this past September. Welcome to Tokyo College! Could you…

Tokyo College Blog

New Member Interview: Postdoctoral Fellow Dada DOCOT

In this blog series, we interview new members of Tokyo College. For this entry, we spoke with Dr. Dada DOCOT, a Postdoctoral Fellow who joined us this past August.  Welcome to Tokyo College! Could you tell…

Tokyo College Blog

New Member Interview: Postdoctoral Fellow Evan DONAHUE

In this blog series, we interview new members of Tokyo College. For this entry, we spoke with Dr. Evan DONAHUE, a Postdoctoral Fellow who joined us this past August.  Welcome to Tokyo College! Could you tell…

Tokyo College Blog

A Few Memories Concerning Planetary Boundaries

I think I first learned about the concept of “planetary boundaries” in December 2009 at an international conference on climate change hosted by the University of Copenhagen. The conference was attended by participants from the International Association of Research Universities (IARU)…

Tokyo College Blog

Toward 2050: Hospitals of the Future – The Role of Art

The streamlining of medical treatment has advanced with the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Now in the midst of fear of over-run hospitals, implementing more efficient medical care will lead to more people being saved. However, to truly save patients efficiently, it is necessary to do some things which, at first sight, are not efficient.

Tokyo College Blog

Learning from the past? Long-term socio-ecological trajectories towards and beyond planetary boundaries

Author: Felix Riede
Already long before the emergence of our own species Homo sapiens did humans modify their environment. As significant as they were for those early humans, such modifications were initially of strictly local and ephemeral character. With the advent of fire control and ever-more sophisticated technologies, however, such modifications were beginning to impact other species.

Tokyo College Blog

Japan’s migrants are not allowed to go ‘home’

In Japan, COVID-19 shifted the meaning of ‘home’ overnight with devastating effects on the transnational lives of migrants.
2019 was a special year in the history of migration in Japan recording the highest number of both foreign residents in Japan and Japanese residents overseas since 1968. Yet, COVID-19 disrupted this flow…

Tokyo College Blog

Future Earth – addressing Planetary Boundaries from Japan

Authors: Dr. KASUGA Fumiko, TANI Junya
The crisis of the global environment is not just limited to warming, and warming cannot be prevented by energy conversion alone. For the sustainable development of human society, it is essential to maintain the stability and resilience of the entire global system…

Tokyo College Blog

Will Digital Technology Save Us? : The Post-Coronavirus World

How long will the city lockdowns and closed borders continue? On April 7th, a state of emergency was declared for 7 of Japan’s prefectures, including Tokyo, and citizens were asked to reduce their contact with other…

Tokyo College Blog