Dealing with the Brussels Effect: How should Japanese companies prepare for the EU-AI Act? 3
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussion講演会/LectureWednesday, 19 March 2025, 12:00-13:00 JST
At the University of Tokyo, a webinar was held on December 11, 2024 and January 15, 2025, to explain the EU AI Act and the first draft of the CoP. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the third draft released at the end of February and highlight important points that Japanese companies should particularly pay attention to.
The Role of Education and Science in the Digital Age (Yuval Noah HARARI)
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussion共催/Joint EventMonday, 17 March 2025, 3:00 - 4:30 pm (Doors open: 2:00 pm)
Today, digital networks provide us with an abundance of information. We invest more than ever in education and science. Despite these achievements our mental, socio-economic and political conditions have not improved. They seem to be even deteriorating. Why? What is going wrong? What can we do better? What can the first information revolution 600 years ago teach us? Two leading Japanese scholars in the field of media and AI governance will discuss these questions with Yuval Harari, the world-famous thinker and best-selling author, who explores the risks and opportunities of the information age in his new book Nexus.
GPAI Future of Work: Survey Report 2024 in Japan
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussionThursday, 13 March, 2025, 16:00-18:00
The Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), established in June 2020, is an international initiative for the responsible development and use of AI based on the concept of “human-centered.” The GPAI has several working groups, one of which discusses the “Future of Work.” As part of this group’s project, an international interview survey is being conducted around the world to find out how our work will change as AI is introduced into the workplace. One of the unique methods of this survey is that the students who will be responsible for the future are interviewing companies and organizations.
At this event, following the survey report last year, we will introduce an overview of the survey conducted this year. Inviting students and faculty members who joined in this year’s project to share their observations on the “future of work” through the survey, we also discuss the possibilities and challenges of its methodological aspects. We would like to discuss future developments of the survey with companies, organizations, and students who are interested in this work.
Japanese as a Global Brand: Writing Japanese the European Way (Lecture by Prof. Viktoria ESCHBACH-SZABO)
イベント予定講演会/LectureTuesday, 4 March 2024, 15:00-16:30 JST
This lecture explores the influence of the Japanese language on the global branding of Japan beyond its borders. It examines how the Japanese language is strategically employed to evoke distinct imagery, cultural significance, and authenticity. The session offers insights into the current landscape and future research directions of Japanese language as an important world language. Employing linguistic case studies from Germany and Hungary, the lecture highlights how Japanese writing elements are rephrased or combined with a product’s identity and with design cues evoking Japaneseness. Creatively adapted in new contexts overseas, the Japanese language has become a strong branding tool in Europe.
Rethinking the Japanese Past: Revising a Textbook, Revising History (Lecture by Prof. Andrew GORDON)
Thursday, 27 February 2025, 15:00-16:30 JST
The past, it is said, is a foreign country, and historians seek to understand it without imposing present-day values. Yet inevitably, to write history is to engage in a dialogue between the past and the present. In this talk I will introduce my internal dialogue over the 25 years during which I wrote four editions of A Modern History of Japan, and am now considering a fifth edition.
Panel Discussion: “US-Japan Political Relations under the New Leaders”
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussionFriday, 21 February 2025 9:00 - 10:15 JST/ Thursday February 20, 19:00 - 20:15 EST
Will President Trump demand higher defense spending by Japan? How will Japan respond? President Trump has pledged to negotiate a deal to end the Russia-Ukraine War in the first 100 days of his administration. Will it happen? How will he do that? What will the truce influence the situations in East Asia? Will Japan’s policy to advance defense technologies and promote defense industry succeed? Will Ishiba’s minority government be able to handle it?
British perceptions of China and policy towards Japan, 2010-2024 (Lecture by Ushioda Fellow Alastair MORGAN)
イベント予定講演会/LectureTuesday, 18 February 2025, 15:00-16:30 JST
The Conservative-led British government's perception of China changed markedly between 2010 and 2024. In 2010, Prime Minister David Cameron described the rise of China as an opportunity. A decade on, the government described China as the biggest long-term threat to the UK's economic security and expressed increasing concerns about Chinese assertiveness overseas. During the same period, the UK and Japan built up an ever-closer security relationship. Did British government perceptions of China determine its policy towards Japan during this period, or were other factors just as influential? What approaches should we expect now from the new Labour government?
Panel Discussion: “US-Japan Economic Relations under the New Leaders”
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussionFriday, 14 February 2025 9:00 - 10:15 JST/ Thursday February 13, 19:00 - 20:15 EST
President-elect Donald Trump threatened to impose 60% tariffs on imports from China, 25% on imports from Canada and Mexico, and 10% on imports from the rest of the world. Three weeks after the inauguration, what are the prospects for those tariffs? If those are really implemented, what will Japan do? Will Japanese manufacturers just suffer huge declines in exports to the United States? Will Japanese manufacturers increase tariff-jumping investment in the U.S.? Will it turn out that they have already shifted enough production to the U.S. to avoid the negative impacts of tariffs entirely? If China and the EU retaliate the U.S. with their tariffs, a tariff war is likely to harm the global trades and cross-border investment. How will Japanese manufacturers respond?
Everyday Ambassadors: Turning Chaos Into Connection in a Divided World (Lecture by Prof. Annelise RILES)
イベント予定講演会/LectureThursday, 13 February 2025, 10:00-11:30 JST
In her new book Everyday Ambassadors, Annelise Riles argues that we are on the cusp of an exciting new world order, where leadership is not just in the hands of few but of all. She argues that what the world needs now is many more diplomats--connectors, translators, interpretors, across political and cultural differences, between science and religion, between the arts and the technology world. In this talk, Prof. Riles will discuss her book, which synthesizes decades of legal and ethnographic research into seven "moves" that empower anyone to be a great diplomat right from where you are.
Immortal intelligence and rise of the DNA-independent humanity (Lecture by Prof. Johan BJÖRKEGREN)
イベント予定講演会/LectureWednesday, 29 January 2025, 15:00-16:30 JST
Around 60,000 years ago, at the time when humans successfully migrated out of Africa, something transformational happened. Homo sapiens must have experienced significant DNA changes that profoundly altered our capacity to compete for natural resources. Critical for this change in our behaviors was a new capacity for abstract thinking. Today with AI, we are on the brink of taking the final step away from Darwin’s principle of Survival of the fittest by rapidly evolving to escape our DNA dependence altogether and thereby our mortality as well.
Why Does Sexual Violence Continue to Occur? An Examination of the Underlying Social Norms (Lecture by Prof. OSAWA Machiko)
イベント予定共催/Joint Event講演会/LectureTuesday, 21 January 2025, 14:00-15:30 JST
As survivors raise their voices, the realities of sexual violence are gradually coming to light. Despite this increased attention, why does sexual violence continue to occur? This lecture examines the experiences of sexual violence survivors based on data collected from 38,383 responses to a 2022 NHK survey on the prevalence of sexual violence. It highlights the existence of rape myths in Japanese society, which perpetuate a pattern in which victims are blamed and suffer even further. Underlying these issues are societal norms of masculinity that sustain gender inequality. To eliminate sexual violence, it is essential to critically reexamine these societal norms.
Dealing with the Brussels Effect: How should Japanese companies prepare for the EU-AI Act? 2
イベント予定講演会/LectureWednesday, 15 January 2025, 16:00-17:00 JST
At the University of Tokyo, a webinar was held on December 11, 2024, to explain the EU AI Act and the first draft of the CoP. In this webinar, we will provide an overview of the second draft released at the end of December and highlight important points that Japanese companies should particularly pay attention to.
Tokyo College 5th Anniversary Event “Shaping a Future of the Planet and Humanity Together”
イベント予定シンポジウム/SymposiumWednesday, 18 December 2024, 14:00-17:30 JST
The Salon ー Conversations with Prominent Professors at the University of Tokyo (Season 3)
イベント予定対話/DialogueEvery Monday from December 2, 2024 (Available from 17:00 JST)
“The Salon” is a dialogue series featuring distinguished scholars in the humanities at the University of Tokyo that aims to transcend disciplinary boundaries. It is hosted by Professor Naoko Shimazu of Tokyo College and Professor John Lie of UC Berkeley, who is currently staying at Tokyo College.
We invite you to listen to an informal discussion between experts in different fields, as if you are sitting next to them.This is a chance to see a new side of our guests that you have never seen before.
A Conversation with the Ambassador of Georgia to Japan “Japan viewed from inside and outside”
イベント予定対話/DialogueAvailable from Friday, 13 December 2024 17:00 JST
H.E. Mr. Teimuraz LEZHAVA, Ambassador of Georgia to Japan, who has deep knowledge and insight into Japanese culture and business practices, and Professor SHIMAZU Naoko, a global historian who has studied Japan from an external perspective, will explore one of Tokyo College’s key research themes, “Japan viewed from the inside and outside.”
We invite you to join us for this insightful and engaging discussion.
Dealing with the Brussels Effect: How should Japanese companies prepare for the EU-AI Act?
イベント予定講演会/LectureWednesday, 11 December 2024, 12:00-13:00 JST
This webinar will outline the overview of the EU-AI Act, the activities of four working groups involved in the formulation of the Code of Practice, and important points that Japanese companies and organizations should particularly pay attention to.
We look forward to the participation of companies, research institutions, and development communities involved in the development, provision, and distribution of AI-related technologies as an opportunity to deepen understanding of the “Brussels Effect” brought about by EU regulatory trends and its impact on Japan.
Environmental Problems in Developing Countries: What Role for Taxation? (Lecture by Ushioda Fellow Michael KEEN)
イベント予定講演会/LectureWednesday, 11 December 2024 10:30-12:00 JST
Many low income countries face severe environmental problems. They also face an urgent need for tax revenue to finance social needs and economic development. Can environmental taxes provide a way to meet both objectives? Drawing on a recent book, this lecture will take stock of the most pressing of the many environmental challenges faced by low income countries—including in air quality, waste management, soil quality, deforestation, congestion, adaptation to climate change—and consider to what extent improved tax policy can simultaneously help address them and raise a significant amount of tax revenue.
From Invisible to Visible Genders (Lecture by Prof. Tricia OKADA)
イベント予定講演会/LectureFriday, 6 December 2024, 15:00-16:30
This lecture will cover ethnographic research on Filipino trans women or transpinay before, during, and after migration in Japan from the 1980s to the early 2000s. Drawing from an intersectional invisibility (Purdie-Vaughns & Eibach, 2008) framework, it will relate the Filipino trans women’s migration experiences to the cases of current issues transgender migrants are facing. This talk will also explore how social media and films create spaces to show and negotiate the (in)visibility of genders.
Individualism in Japanese Life (Lecture by Prof. John LIE)
イベント予定講演会/LectureTuesday, 26 November 2024, 13:00-14:30 JST
We have been repeatedly told that Japan is a "collectivist" or "group-oriented" society, in contradistinction to the United States and other Western countries, which are said to be "individualist." The argument strikes me as wrong, at best. After briefly rebutting the received view, I trace the genealogy of the mistaken idea and explain its cogency.
From Competitors to Partners: Banks’ Venture Investments in Fintech (Lecture by Prof. Manju PURI)
イベント予定講演会/LectureTuesday, 12 November 2024 10:30-12:00 JST
Prof. Manju Puri has hypothesized and found evidence that banks use venture investments in fintech startups as a strategic approach to navigate fintech competition. She first documented that banks’ venture investments have increasingly focused on fintech firms. She found that banks facing greater fintech competition are more likely to make venture investments in fintech startups. Banks target fintech firms that exhibit higher levels of asset complementarities with their own business. Finally, instrumental variable analyses showed that venture investments increase the likelihoods of operational collaborations and knowledge transfer between the investing bank and the fintech investee.
Towards Building Multicultural and Multilingual Safe Large Language Models
イベント予定講演会/LectureMonday, 11 November 2024, 10:00-11:00 JST
As generative AI becomes more widely used, it is crucial for AI models to accurately reflect cultural and linguistic risks in different regions. Identifying harmful content specific to each culture must be continuously updated. This requires collaboration between AI researchers, social scientists, policymakers, and practitioners to form a global community for ongoing discussions. This event will discuss frameworks to sustain such communities, welcoming those interested in AI safety and governance.
Economic Policies under Japan’s New Cabinet: Wish List and Prospects
イベント予定パネルディスカッション/Panel discussion共催/Joint EventFriday, 8 November 2024 8:00 - 9:15 JST
Japan had two elections—LDP President (September 27) and House of Representatives (October 27)—that elected a new prime minister. During the two elections, many economic policy proposals were presented and debated. The webinar will discuss economic policies that are likely to be adopted and those that are unlikely to be adopted but desirable for the Japanese economy.
50 Ways to Kill a Robot (Lecture by Prof. Jennifer ROBERTSON)
イベント予定講演会/LectureTuesday, 5 November 2024 10:30-12:00 JST
The idiom “50 Ways” in my title should not be taken as a literal metric. “Fifty” is a simply a metaphor for a number larger than a few. In his hit song, “Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover” (1975), Paul Simon provides six ways to leave. In this paper, I will review a number of ways to “kill” a robot together with some of the ways that robots “die.” Death here is broadly defined as the permanent ending of vital processes. I will also review how “deceased” robots are handled. My cultural area focus is primarily Japan and the United States. Both humans and robots are, in several respects, electrical entities, and so in my concluding remarks, I address the question of what happens to each after the electricity is out.
Exploring Queer Fantasy Work in Idol Fandom Culture Across East and Southeast Asia (Lecture by Dr. Thomas BAUDINETTE)
イベント予定講演会/LectureFriday, 1 November 2024 14:00-15:30 JST
Within this presentation, Prof. Baudinette argues that the fundamentally transformative nature of fan subjectivity encourages the production of queer fantasies tied to idols that marginalized social subjects can utilize to critique the social structures which disadvantage them. He unpacks how LGBTQ+ fans across Asia transform idol fandom into a queer space where their fantasy work creates transnational solidarities grounded in the political project of queer emancipation. Through this discussion, he theorizes “queer fantasy work” as it is tied to idol fandom as an explicitly political force in contemporary Asian culture designed to actively produce a more egalitarian and hopeful world.