Flavia BALDARI - 東京カレッジ
Project Researcher


Research Interests Political Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophical Practice Email flavia.baldari@mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp
01 Research Description

My area of research focuses is cross-cultural understanding in political philosophy. In my Ph.D. dissertation, I focused on the thought of Maruyama Masao and Karl Löwith about the impact of modernization (in Japan) and modernity crisis (in Europe) on identity and intellectual thought. I was particularly interested in the nihilistic outcomes of this process, with particular attention to fascists regimes. I also considered the technological progress as a central philosophical issue concerning nihilism and identity. I am currently interested in reframing the interaction between humanity and technology in our contemporary digitalized society, considering the risks, the nihilistic trends, and the ethical issues associated with technological progress. My other interests include philosophical practice and philosophical counseling.

02 Short Biography

2020- Project Researcher, Tokyo College
2018-2020 Project Lecturer, The University of Tokyo – Faculty of Law and Politics
2018 Dr. Phil. In History of Japanese Political Thought, The University of Tokyo
2010 MA in Philosophy (Political Philosophy), The University of Milan
2007 BA in Philosophy, The University of Milan

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

【Refereed Articles】

二〇世紀の技術論とニヒリズムー丸山眞男とカール・レーヴィットの人間観を再考する」(The Discourse of Technology and Nihilism in the 20th Century Reconsidering the Idea of Humanity in Maruyama Masao and Karl Löwith), 哲学 (Tetsugaku) Volume 2024 (2024) Issue 75, 313-329. https://doi.org/10.11439/philosophy.2024.313

Does Philosophical Practice Help? An Inquiry through a Philosophical Dialogue in Medical Settings“, Tetsugaku: an International Journal of Philosophical Association of Japan, vol.7 (2023) special theme Philosophical Practice, 106-123.

“Karl Löwith’s Encounter with Japanese Philosophy – Reconstructions in a New Light”, European Journal of Japanese Philosophy 4 (2019), 105-130.

“Coscienza storica e consapevolezza politica. Masao Maruyama legge Chikafusa Kitabatake” (Historical Consciousness and Political Awareness. Maruyama Masao Reads Chikafusa Kitabatake), Sguardi sul Giappone, Caroli, Negri, Bonaventura (eds.), 2020, pp. 189-200.

“Una trasformazione che richiede tempo. Note sulla consulenza filosofica”, La consulenza filosofica oggi tra formazione e ricerca, Mimesis Edizioni 2022, pp. 371-397.

【Web-based publications】

Shakuto, Shiori and Baldari, Flavia (2020) ‘Japan’s migrants are not allowed to go home’. Open Democracy https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/pandemic-border/japans-migrants-are-not-allowed-to-go-home/.