Julie Valentine DIND - 東京カレッジ
Postdoctoral Fellow

Julie Valentine DIND

Research Interests Autism, neurodivergence, butoh, performance, art, Fernand Deligny
01 Research Description

My research investigates what I term the a(u/r)tistic realm, that is the space that exists at the intersection of autism and art. As an autistic scholar, I am invested in exploring autistic methodologies in order to discuss autistic ways of being, sensing, perceiving and performing in and on autistic terms.

During my time at Tokyo College, I will complete a book manuscript based on my dissertation, A(u/r)tistic Wor(l)ding. This project investigates the worldmaking practices of autistic artists, activists and scholars, paying special attention to the way in which these practices work to disrupt the hierarchies upheld by (neurotypical) grammar.

At Tokyo College, I will continue to research the resonances between butoh dance understood as the unlearning of the social body, and autistic ways of being embody(mind)ed, and work on a second book project on butoh and disability. To this end, I will engage both in archival and artistic research.

02 Short Biography

2018-2024 PhD student in Theatre Arts and Performance Studies, Brown University

2016-2017 Graduate coursework in Performance + Performance Studies at Pratt Institute as a Fulbright scholarship recipient

2016 MA in International Culture and Communication Studies, Waseda University, Japan

2014 Licence (Bachelor) in Psychology, Université Toulouse II Mirail

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Dind, Julie Valentine. “Dancing hors sujet: On butoh and autism.” Choreographic Practices 15.1 (2024): 89-112.
Dind, Julie. “A(u/r)tistic Ecopoet(h)ics.” Revista Arte da Cena 9.1 (2023).
Dind, Julie. “Personal Protective Purple Daikon Equipment.” Lateral 11.2 (2022).
Dind, Julie Valentine. “The Sought For Butoh Body: Tatsumi Hijikata’s Cultural Rejection and Creation.” Transcommunication 3.1 (2016): 49-68.

Book Review
Dind, Julie. “Review of Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm edited by Hanna Bertilsdotter Rosqvist et al.” Disability Studies Quarterly 41.1 (2021).

Book Chapter
Gerstlauer, Rolf, & Julie Dind. “Cenotaph for Weird’s Well and T[h]ree Missing Bodies)”. Ecoperformance, edited by Wolfgang Pannek, Transcultura. 2021.

04 Honors and Awards

2023-2024 Stephen Sondheim Graduate Fellowship in Theatre Arts, Brown University

2016 Fulbright scholarship recipient