UDAGAWA Yoshie - Tokyo College
Project Researcher


Research Field Concepts of Childhood, Media Representations of Childhood, Juvenile Delinquency, Juvenile Law and Juvenile Justice System in Japan, Social Control and Deviance, Anomie, Discourse Analysis Website https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yoshie-Udagawa
01 Description of Research

My research focuses on key conceptual shifts regarding the concept of childhood that Japanese society witnessed during the 1990s. At a time when emerging notions of self-determination, responsibility, and freedom were debated on several fronts, such ideas were applied not only to children generally but, more specifically, to question the traditional functionality of juvenile law. Numerous changes in juvenile-related laws were approved, and the concept of childhood, itself, began to shift. I investigate how media, public opinion, and juridical action contributed significantly to this atmosphere. In my ongoing work, I remain committed to advancing diverse roles for humanities in the creation of a more inclusive society.

02 Short Biography

2020 PhD in Cultural Studies, Claremont Graduate University
2007-2008 OPT: Johnson County Juvenile Detention Center, Missouri (Detention Aide)
2007 M.A. in Sociology, University of Central Missouri
2004 B.A. in International Business/Communication in School of International Politics and Business, Aoyama Gakuin University

03 Publications and Other Research Activities


Udagawa, Yoshie. 2022. “We Don’t Become Adults, But Are Told to Be Adults: The Emergence of Adultification in Japan”. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, November. https://doi.org/10.5204/ijcjsd.2450.

Key Conference Presentations

2022 “Prevention or Reduction of Social Misperceptions of Juvenile Delinquency.”  American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting (November)
2021 “Relationship between the Characteristics of Juvenile Crime Reporting and Social Perception: Perspective from Media Studies.”  Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology Annual Meeting (October)
2019 “Media and Juvenile Crime- Investigation through the Public Opinion and Amendments of Juvenile Acts in Japan.” Regular Session Presentation, Asian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting (December)
2014 “Rights and Responsibility – Investigation of the emergence of entitled children and the amendment of juvenile law in Japan in 90s into the next century.” Regular Session Presentation, XVIII ISA (International Sociological Association) Congress of Sociology (July)
2013 “Self-Autonomy Concerning Choice of Sexual Acts: Exploration Through Feminism Movements and Enjo Kosai in Japan. (peer-reviewed)” Regular Session Presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (August)
2011 “How Enjo Kosai/Juvenile Prostitution was Forgotten in Japan (peer-reviewed)” Regular Session Presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (August)

04 Honors and Awards

The Oliver C. Cox Graduate Student Paper Competition, Awarded First Prize, The Missouri Sociological Association (October, 2007)
Riley H. Pittman Award in Sociology and Social Work, University of Central Missouri Foundation (April, 2007)
Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociological Honor Society (November, 2007)
Central’s Graduate Student Thesis Award Competition, Second Prize, University of Central Missouri (April, 2008)
Friedman Grant, School of Arts and Humanities, Claremont Graduate University (2010- 2011)