OHASHI Hiroshi - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members

OHASHI Hiroshi

Other Affiliations Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo Research interests Industrial Organization, Economics of Competition Policy, Economics of Policy Making, Law and Economics Website http://www.ohashi.e.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en_index.html
01 Description of Research

My research interest lies in the area of policy evaluation using structural micro-econometrics techniques. I rely on the theory of industrial organization to build a microeconomic model, describing behavioral strategies of consumers, firms and governments, and apply to the data to quantitatively assess the effectiveness of public policies, including competition policy and industrial policy. A structural modeling technique allows me to evaluate counter-factual policy impacts. On the basis of the aforementioned expertise, I am also actively involved in policy discussions to promote evidence-based policy making.

02 Short Biography

1993 BA, Economics from the University of Tokyo
2000-03 Assistant Professor, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia,
2003-12 Associate Professor of Economics, University of Tokyo
2012-   Professor of Economics, University of Tokyo
2018-20 Vice Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo
2020-   Dean, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

・ 『競争政策の経済学 人口減少・デジタル化・産業政策』編著 日本経済新聞出版 2021年
・ 『EBPMの経済学 エビデンスを重視した政策立案』編著 東京大学出版会 2020年
・ 『イノベーションの研究-生産性向上の本質とは何か』大橋弘・財務総合政策研究所 編著 金融財政事情研究会 2018年
・ 『プロダクト・イノベーションの経済分析』編著 東京大学出版会 2014年
・ Price Effects of Target Ratcheting: A Progress Report on Medical Devices (with D. Isogawa), Japanese Economic Review, 70(3):331-340, 2019
・ Market Structure and Product Quality: A Case Study of the 2002 Japanese Airlines Merger (with N. Doi), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 62:158-193, 2019
・ Electric Vehicle Charging Management Using Auction Mechanism for Reducing PV Curtailment in Distribution Systems, (with H. Kikusato, Y. Fujimoto, S. Hanada, D. Isogawa, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019
・ Effects of Consumer Subsidies for Renewable Energy on Industry Growth and Welfare: Japanese Solar Photovoltaic System (with S.Myojo), Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 48:55-67, 2018

04 Honors and Awards

・ Young Economist Essay Prize, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, 2001
・ First Miyazawa Kenichi Memorial Prize (Fair Trade Association), December 2010
・ Research Award from the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation, March 2011
・ Jiro Enjoji Memorial Prize, Nikkei Newspaper, December 2012
・ JEA Ishikawa Prize, 2014