KATO Koichi - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members

KATO Koichi

Other Affiliations Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Research interests Architectural History, Architectural Theory Website http://www.history.arch.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kato/Welcome.html
01 Description of Research

The major field of my research is architectural history and theory. Recent research topics are (1) Tectonics and architectural history, (2) Architecture in time and history of architectural re-use, (3) Materiality of Architecture, and so on. We are in the midst of major social changes. The modern era of overwhelming growth is coming to an end. The population has also begun to decline. The main objective of my research is to study how the roles of architecture and cities will change in this era from a historical perspective.

02 Short Biography

1995: Graduated (Bachelor degree), Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2001: Graduated (Doctor degree), Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2002: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science
2004-2006: Visiting Researcher, Université Paris IV Sorbonne
2009: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering, KINDAI University
2011: Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2018: Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo

03 Publications and Other Research Activities


『幽霊学入門』(河合祥一郎編) 新書館、2010
『装飾と建築 (フランス近世美術叢書1)』 (大野芳材監修)ありな書房、2013

【Translation into Japanese】
Deborah Gans, The Le Corbusier Guide, Princeton Architectural Press, 2000 (co-translation)
Flora Samuel, Le Corbusier in Detail, Routledge, 2007
Jean Marie Perouse De Montclos, L’Art de Paris, Éditions Place des Victoires, 2003
Sophie Houdart et Chihiro Minato, Kuma Kengo. Une monographie décalée, éditions donner lieu, 2009
Harry Francis Mallgrave, Modern Architectural Theory: A Historical Survey, 1673–1968, Cambridge University Press, 2009
Philip Davies, London Hidden Interiors, Atlantic Publishing, 2012

04 Honors and Awards

Encouragement Prize of AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan), 2004
Suntory Prize for Social Sciences and Humanities (Literary and Art Criticism), 2017
The Prize of Society of Architectural Historians of Japan, 2018
The Prize of AIJ, Research Theses Division (Architectural Institute of Japan), 2018