EMA Arisa - Tokyo College
Associate Professor

EMA Arisa

Other Affiliations Institute for Future Initiatives, The University of Tokyo Research interests Science and Technology Studies Website https://sites.google.com/g.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ema/
01 Description of Research

Information technology cannot remain unaffected by the (unconscious) biases of society and its designer; rather, it reproduces the prevailing power dynamics of contemporary society. Shedding light on this requires dialogue with diverse stakeholders from various academic disciplines, industry, and the public and private sector. In order to get along well with cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality, and robotics, it is important to first consider the vision of “what kind of society we want to live in.” My research is dedicated to the development of methodologies and designing dialogue for this purpose.

02 Short Biography

Present Position:

2023- Associate Professor, Tokyo College, University of Tokyo
2017- Visiting Researcher, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project


Previous Position:

2021-2023 Associate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
2020-2021 AIST Department of Information Technology and Human Factors, Research Support Advisor
2019-2021 Assistant Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, University of Tokyo
2018-2019 Assistant Professor, Policy Alternatives Research Institute, University of Tokyo
2015-2018 Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo
2012-2015 Assistant Professor, Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University
2009-2012 JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists(DC1)



2012 University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, Ph.D. in Science and Technology Study
2009-2010 Cornell University, Ithaca, USA, one year visiting student
2009 University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, M.A. in Science and Technology Study
2007 University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, B.A. in Science and Technology Study
03 Publications and Other Research Activities


AI To Shakai (AI and Society – Engaging with Technology to Open the Future), Gijutsu-Hyoron Co., Ltd. 2021

AI shakai no arukikata (A traveler’s guide to the AI society: How should we deal with AI?), Kagakudojin, 2019


■Book Chapters (select)

Arisa Ema and Takashi Suyama, “Chapter 10, Factors Influencing Trust and Use of Recommendation AI: A Case Study of Diet Improvement AI in Japan”, Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues, International Library of Ethics, Law, Vol. 40, Sergio Genovesi et al. (Eds), Springer Nature, 2023, pp.187-201.


「「本人らしさ」の探求と演出:人工知能技術による「よみがえり」をめぐる論点」、金子務・酒井邦嘉(監)、『科学と倫理』、中央公論新社、2021、pp. 163-183

「第12章 AIと社会」、藤垣裕子(編)、『科学技術社会論の挑戦2 科学技術と社会-具体的課題群』、東京大学出版会、2020、pp. 225-239

「鏡としての人工知能」、東京大学教養学部(編)、『知のフィールドガイド 異なる声に耳を澄ませる』、白水社、2020、pp. 21-34.

「第6章ロボットとの付き合い方を考える」,上出寛子・新井健生・福田敏男(編),『今日、僕の家にロボットが来た。 未来に安心をもたらすロボット幸学との出会い』, 北大路書房, 2019, pp.123-137


■Proceedings & Articles (select)

Spoden C and Ema A (2024) Staying connected: implementing avatar robots at schools in Germany and Japan. Front. Digit. Health 6:1273415. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2024.1273415

Arisa Ema, Katsue Nagakura, and Takanori Fujita. Proposal for Type Classification for Building Trust in Medical Artificial Intelligence System, Proceedings of the 3rd AAAI/ACM Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society (AIES), 2020, NY, USA, pp.251-7, doi: 10.1145/3375627.3375846

Arisa Ema, Osawa Hirotaka, Reina Saijo, Akinori Kubo, Takushi Otani, Hiromitsu Hattori, Naonori Akiya, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Minao Kukita, Kazunori Komatani and Ryutaro Ichise, Clarifying Privacy, Property, and Power: Case Study on Value Conflict between Communities, Proceedings of the IEEE, 575-81, vol. 107 (3), March 2019, DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2018.2837045

Arisa Ema, Hirotaka Osawa, Hiromitsu Hattori, Naonori Akiya, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Ryutaro Ichise, Minao Kukita, Takushi Otani, Akinori Kubo, Kazunori Komatani. Breaking Down Silos: Involving Various Researchers for Driving HCI Research, In Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2017, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 837-847. doi: 10.1145/3027063.3052757

Arisa Ema, Naonori Akiya, Hirotaka Osawa, Hiromitsu Hattori, Shinya Oie, Ryutaro Ichise, Nobutsugu Kanzaki, Minao Kukita, Reina Saijo, Takushi Otani, Naoki Miyano and Yoshimi Yashiro, Future Relations between Humans and Artificial Intelligence: A Stakeholder Opinion Survey in Japan, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, vol. 35, No. 4, 2016, pp. 68-75. doi: 10.1109/MTS.2016.2618719

Arisa Ema, Hirotaka Osawa, Hiromitsu Hattori and Naonori Akiya, Ethics and Social Responsibility: Case Study of a Journal Cover Design Under Fire. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 935–40. CHI EA ’15. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2015. doi:10.1145/2702613.2732809

04 Honors and Awards

2024   Award From Chairman of the Council for Info-Communications Promotion Month

2023      Women in AI Awards 2023 APAC, Finalist AI in Law Award                                                             

2021      The University of Tokyo, Excellent Young Researcher              

2019    100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics You Should Follow in 2020

2018      100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics You Should Follow in 2019 and beyond                                        

2017      NISTEP Award (The Researchers with Nice Step)                                                              

2012      Ichiko Memorial Award, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,                                          

2009      Incentive Award of Department of General Systems Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan                  

2007      President’s Award for Students, University of Tokyo, Japan