Jennifer CORBETT - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members

Jennifer CORBETT

Period of stay July 30, 2023 - December 10, 2023
01 Description of Research

Jenny Corbett has taught and researched on Japan’s economic performance and policy, on monetary policy and on East Asian financial integration at universities in the UK, Australia and Japan for 40 years. Her research has often looked at Japan in an international context, highlighting where Japan’s economic experience is different from other countries and where it is not, and drawing out lessons to be learned from Japan. In addition to her academic activities, Professor Corbett was Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research and Research Training at ANU from 2012 to 2017 and the Rio Tinto Fellow at the Foundation for Australian-Japan Studies from 2018 to 2021 where she established and managed a research grant support program for bi-national, university-industry collaborative research projects. She has experience as a consultant for international organisations, including the OECD, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and Japan’s Ministry of Finance.

02 Short Biography

1972 BA (Hons) Australian National University
1986 PhD in economics from the University of Michigan
2018 Emeritus Professor, Australian National University
2014 Emeritus Fellow, St Antony’s College, Oxford
2021 Adjunct Professor, Griffith University, Australia
2016 Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences, Australia
2021 Project Professor at the University of Tokyo

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

【Co-edited volumes】
Rebalancing Economies in Financially Integrating East Asia, Routledge, 2015.
Laggards and Leaders in Labour Market Reform: Comparing Japan and Australia, Routledge, 2009.
Structural Impediments to Growth in Japan, Chicago University Press, 2003.

【Journal Articles】
Xu Y., and J. Corbett, 2020, “What a network measure can tell us about financial interconnectedness and output volatility”, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Volume 58, pp 101-105
Corbett, J., K. Onji and D. Vera, 2012, “Capital Injections, Restructuring Targets and Personnel Management”, Journal of Japanese and International Economies. Volume 26, Issue 4, pp 495-517.
Corbett, J., 2012, “Has Japan’s Lost Decade(s) Changed Economic Thinking?”, Economic Record. Volume 88, Special Issue, pp 100-105.
Corbett, J. and R.Tyers, 2012, “Japan’s Economic Slowdown and its Global Implications: A Review of the Economic Modelling”, Asia Pacific Economic Literature. Vol 26, Issue 2, Nov. pp 1-28.
Corbett, J. and A. Boltho, 2000, “The Assessment”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol 16, Summer.
Corbett J and J. Mitchell, 2000, “Bank Crises and Bank Rescues: The Effect of Reputation”, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol 32, no. 3: pp 474- 513.
Corbett, J. and D. Vines, 1999, “Asian Currency and Financial Crises: Lessons from Vulnerability, Crisis and Collapse”, The World Economy, Vol 22, No 2, March, pp 155-177 reprinted in H. Smith (ed), 2002, The Economic Development of Northeast Asia, Edward Elgar.

04 Honors and Awards

Order of the Rising Sun Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon for services to Australia-Japan relations, 2014.