Viktoria ESCHBACH-SZABO - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members


Other Affiliations Universität Tübingen Research interests Linguistics, Japanese Studies Website Period of stay January 15 - March 15, 2025
01 Description of Research

I have been working on the way how Japanese contacts with European languages are developing. Currently, I focus on the dynamics in Western languages arising from Japanese elements due to economic and cultural trends. For instance, I will examine creative uses of loanwords in everyday life and science and understand the conditions for new brand names use in terms of comparative semiotics and linguistics. I will focus on techniques involved in transfers of Japanese elements into European languages connected to the cultural phenomena of global societies with the new concept of the linguistic space of “greater Japanese”.

02 Short Biography

Born on 30 August 1956
1976 Fellowship autumn Russian department Odessa University, Soviet Union
1979 Fellowship spring German department Humboldt University Berlin, East Germany
1981 MA in German and Chinese and Slavic Studies, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest
1984 Dr. phil. Japanese Studies, Faculty of East Asian Studies Ruhr-University Bochum
1984 Associate Professor Siebold edition project Ruhr University Bochum
1990 Professor, Modern Japanese Studies, Faculty of Letters University Trier
1992 Professor, Japanese Studies, Faculty of Cultural Studies, University Tübingen
1993 Guest Professor spring, University Tokyo Komaba
1993 Co-Director of Tübingen Center for Japanese Studies, Doshisha University, Kyoto
1998 Research fellow spring, Tachibana University, Kyoto
2005-2008 Member of the Research Project: Global Challenges, Transcultural and Transnational Solutions German Science Foundation, University Tübingen
2007-2008 Member Research Project: Human Interface: Japanese Migration, Osaka University
2011 Guest Professor spring, Cheng Kong University Tainan, Taiwan
2012-2015 Japan Foundation Budapest Office Eastern Europe, Development of Young Scientists from Eastern Europe in Japanese Studies
2015-2018 Member of the Research Project: Colonial Memories and Transnational Perspectives on Medicine, Healing, and Body. Cases from Japan, Korea, and Germany University Tübingen, Doshisha, Kyoto, Korea University, Seoul
2018-2019 Head of the Department for Japanese Studies, Development Doshisha European Campus in Tübingen
2016-2019 Member of the Research Project: Social History of Manuals of Meaningful Life, Doshisha University
2015-2019 Member of the Research Project: Cross-linguistic Modeling of Speech Data for Hesitation Type Dysfluency. University Kobe, Kyoto University

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Temporalität im Japanischen. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1986.

Personen und Namen im Japanischen. Veränderungen in der Modernisierung und in der Globalisierung. Berlin: LIT 2009.

【Co-authored books】
With Stalph, J., Sasse, W. (eds.): Bochumer Jahrbuch zur Ostasienforschung. Vols. 11-13. Bochum: Brockmeyer 1986-1988.

With Kneider, A.: Siebold-Bibliographie. Schriften über Philipp Franz von Siebold 1824-1984. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1986.

With Eschbach, A.: Bibliography of Semiotics 1975-1985. Amsterdam: Benjamins 1986, 2 vols.

With Eschbach, A., Ikeda, N. (eds.) : Interkulturelle Singer-Studien: Zu Leben und Werk Kurt Singers. München: iudicium 2002.

With Koyama-Siebert, Y., Ebi, M. (eds..):『異文化との出会い. 世界の中の日本とドイツ』 Berlin: LIT 2005.

With Ikegami, Y., Wlodarczyk, A. (eds.): Japanese Linguistics: The European Chapter.
Tokyo: Kurosio 2007.

With Buck-Albulet, H. (eds.): Kulturwissenschaften und Frauenstudien. Tübingen:
Gleichstellungskommission der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen 2007.

Ikegami, Y.: Die Sprachen des Tuns und des Werdens.『するとなるの言語学』Transl. with Ebi, M., Kienle, P., Nogami, S., Ono-Premper, Y., Oberwinkler, M. Berlin: LIT 2007.

With Hattori, O., Ebi, M.: Japan and the Japanese People. Views from a Transcultural Perspective. Berlin: LIT 2010.

Esterhazy, Peter『女がいる』 Egy nő. Transl. Tokyo: Hakusuisha 2014. Transl. with Katô, Y.
With Ebi, M.: Japanische Sprachwissenschaft. Einführung für Japanologen und Linguisten. Tübingen: Narr 2015.

Zimándi, Pius I.: Egy év története naplójegyzetekben. (‘The Diary of one Year. History of the last year of the second world war in Hungary’). Edition. Budapest: Magvető 2015.

【Main articles】
Ueda Kazutoshi und die moderne japanische Sprachwissenschaft. In: Naguschewski, D. et al (eds.): Was heißt hier fremd? Studien zu Sprache und Fremdheit. Berlin: Akademie 1997, pp. 253-264.

From Rodriguez to Computational Linguistics – Japanese in European Linguistics. In: Wlodarczyk, A. (ed.): Paris Lectures in Japanese Linguistics. Tokyo: Kurosio 2005, pp. 63-79.

『ドイツ語の中の日本語』国文学 解釈と鑑賞  至文堂2005/1, pp. 28-45. with Hsieh, Shelley Ching-yu: Chinese as a Classical Language of Botanical Science: Semiotics of Transcription. In: Kodikas/ Code. 28/3-4 (2005), pp. 317-344.

Political Correctness und Wirtschaftskommunikation. In: Antoni, K., Scherer, E. (eds.): Die subtile Sprache der Kultur. Berlin: Lit 2006, pp. 171-195.

Speech Perception Across Languages and Writing systems. In: Heinrich, P., Sugita, Y. (eds.): Japanese as a Foreign Language in Europe in the Age of Globalization.
München: iudicium 2008, pp. 87-94.

Japanese in the European Language Space. In: Journal of the Faculty of Letters (No. 220) Chûô University Press 2008, pp. 59-69.

With Hayashi, A.: Japanese Bilingualism in Germany. In: Árokay, J. et al. (eds.): Irmela Hijiya-Kirschnereit Festschrift. 2008 München

「移民とジェンダー、言語、アイデンティティ―欧州統合の過程で」Transl. Kato, Y. In: Fujitani, A., Itō, K. (eds.): Kishōshi, kōreishakai kara no dakkyaku. Kazoku, shakai, bunka to gendâ seisaku. Tokyo: Akashi shoten, 2009, pp. 131-147.

Europa und die Sprachen des Westens und des Ostens”. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Germanistik (ed.): Beiträge zur deutschen Sprachwissenschaft. München: Iudicium 2014 pp. 69-87.

100 Methoden und 100 Jahre alt zu werden. In: Gebauer, M., Nettesheim, M. (eds.). Alternde Gesellschaften und Rechtssysteme. Tübingen: Mohl 2015, pp. 229-243.

Sadanobu, T., Somodi, J. et al.Disfluency from typological perspective to prolongation and continuation. In: IASS – shakai gengogaku, 21/1 2018, pp. 113-118.

04 Honors and Awards

1985 Best Ph.D. Dissertation Ruhr University Bochum
1993 Japan Foundation Invitation Kyôto Conference on Japanese Studies.
2003 -2009 Faculty Advisor for equal opportunity
2004-2006 Vice-Dean of the Faculty for Cultural Studies
2006 Speaker of the Excellence project proposal, High Tech and Hegel. Centre for Methods in the Humanities and Social, Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences”, German Science Foundation, Tübingen
2007 – 2014 Member of the university commission for honorary members
2005-2008 President of the European Association for Japanese Studies
2009 Invitation of Japan Foundation, category Intellectual leader of the world, Hakone Forum
2009 Member of the State Delegation of Baden Württemberg to Japan,
2010 Best essay award from Nihongogaku ronsetsu shiryō
2010 Invitation Pen Club World Meeting in Kyoto
2016 Anniversary lecture 30 years of Japanese Studies in Budapest Eötvös Loránd University
2018 Invitation German Academy of Science Berlin, Language year- 60 days around the world