SEKIMURA Naoto - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members


Other Affiliations Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo Research interests Nuclear Engineering Website
01 Description of Research

Science and Technology for Nuclear Safety and Safety Engineering for Complex Systems Such as, Codes and Standards, Quality Management Systems, Systems Maintenance, Resilience Engineering, Interaction of Radiation with Solid Materials, Nuclear Fuels and Materials, Ageing Management and Long Term Operation of Nuclear Systems.

02 Short Biography

1981 Bachelor of Engineering in Department of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1986 Doctor of Engineering in Department of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1985-1986 JSPS Research Fellow for Young Scientists
1987-1989 Lecturer, Department of Nuclear Engineering, The University of Tokyo
1989-2000 Associate Professor, Engineering Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
2000-2010 Professor, Department of Quantum Science and System Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2010- Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, The University of Tokyo
2010- 2012 Vice Dean, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
2010- 2013 Member of the Education and Research Council, The University of Tokyo
2012-2014 Director of the Institute of Innovation in International Engineering Education, The University of Tokyo
2014- 2017 Deputy Director of the Global Campus Promotion Office, The University of Tokyo
2015-2017 Special Advisor to the President, The University of Tokyo
2015-2018 Deputy Director General of the Office of International Affairs, The University of Tokyo
2018-2021 Deputy Director General of the Division for Global Campus Initiatives, The University of Tokyo
2016-2021 Director of the Center for Japanese Language Education, The University of Tokyo
2017- Vice President, The University of Tokyo

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Selected list of recent publications are as follows;
[1] Tatsuya Itoi, Yuki Iita and Naoto Sekimura, “A framework for seismic design of items in safety-critical facilities for implementing a risk-informed defence-in-depth-based concept”, Frontiers in Built Environment, Earthquake Engineering, Volume 3, Article 27 (2017)
[2] D. Y. Chen, K. Murakami, K. Dohi, K. Nishida, T. Ohnuma, N. Soneda, Z. C. Li and N. Sekimura, “First-principles investigation on the composition of Ni-Si precipitates formed in irradiated stainless steels”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 494 (2017) 354.
[3] A. Yamamoto and N. Sekimura, “A Study on Enhancing Effectiveness of Safety Culture in Nuclear Power Plants”, Journal of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol. 16, No. 3 (2017)119.
[4] L. Chen, K. Nishida, K. Murakami, L. Liu, T. Kobayashi, Z. C. Li, N. Sekimura, “Effects of solute elements on microstructural evolution in Fe-based alloys during neutron irradiation following thermal ageing”, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 498 (2018) 259.
[5] A. Yamamoto and N. Sekimura, “A Study on Enhancing Effectiveness of Periodic Safety Review of Nuclear Power Plants”, Journal of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2018) 67.
[6] L. Chen, K. Nishida, K. Murakami, D. Y. Chen, L. Liu, T. Kobayashi, Z. C. Li, N. Sekimura, “A model to evaluate the hardening effect of solute clusters in Fe-based alloys”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 455 (2019) 32.
[7] L. Chen, K. Murakami, D. Y. Chen, H. Abe, Z. C. Li, N. Sekimura, “In situ transmission electron microscopy study of growth of dislocation loops in Fe-Ni alloy under ion irradiation”, Scr. Mater. 187 (2020) 453.
[8] Fumio ADACHI and Naoto SEKIMURA, “Basic Theory on Management in Nuclear Sector” Oukan Vol.15, No.1(2021), pp. 1-16.

04 Honors and Awards

Mukaibo Foundation Award
The Atomic Energy Society of Japan: Fellow