YAGUCHI Yujin - 東京カレッジ


Other Affiliations Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Studies and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Research interests American Studies / Pacific Cultural Studies Website https://yaguchiyujin.com/index-e.html
01 Description of Research

I have a degree in American Studies. Over the years, I have mostly focused on Hawai’i and U.S.-Japan cultural relations from the perspective of the islands in the Pacific. I have pursued my research with a belief that in order to understand the past and the present of Hawai’i and other Pacific islands, we need to carefully think through the dynamic intersections of such themes as indigenous rights and politics, immigration, empire, settler colonialism, war and memories, tourism and history, among others. 

In Japan, I organize a study group on Hawai’i with people from other fields and institutions. I also served as Associate Editor of the journal American Quarterly from 2015 to 2018.  Additionally, I joined “B’AI Global Forum,” which is a part of the Institute for AI and Beyond, sponsored by the University of Tokyo and Softbank, to think about the social implications of the use of AI. I am also interested in the effort to globalize higher education, as I was a founding member of PEAK (Programs in English at Komaba), an English medium undergraduate degree program of the university, and currently serve as the director of International Education Support Office of the university. 

02 Short Biography

1989  Goshen College (BA in English)
1999  College of William and Mary (Ph.D. in American Studies)
1995.4  Assistant Professor, Institute of Language and Culture, Hokkaido University
1998.4  Associate Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo
2001.9~2002.8  Fulbright Visiting Scholar (UC Santa Cruz; The East-West Center)
2013.12  Professor, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo
2018.4  Director, International Education Support Office, Division for Global Campus Initiatives
2019.4  Professor, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, the University of Tokyo
2021.4  Deputy Director, Division for Global Campus Initiatives

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Single Authored Books

『ハワイの歴史と文化-悲劇と誇りのモザイク』 中公新書 (2002年).
『ハワイとフラの歴史物語』 イカロス出版 (2005年).
『憧れのハワイ―日本人のハワイ観』 中央公論新社 (2011年) 
『ハワイ王国物語―カメハメハからクヒオまで』 イカロス出版 (2011年).
『奇妙なアメリカ-神と正義のミュージアム』 新潮選書 (2014年).


Edited Books

『現代アメリカのキーワード』吉原真里と共編 中公新書 (2006年).
『ハワイ・真珠湾の記憶』森茂岳雄・中山京子と共著 明石書店 (2007年).
Jenichiro Oyabe, A Japanese Robinson Crusoe, Greg Robinson and Yujin Yaguchi, eds., (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2009).
『真珠湾を語る‐歴史、記憶、教育』森茂岳雄・中山京子と共編 東京大学出版会 (2011年).
『アメリカ文化事典』(アメリカ学会編 編集委員)丸善出版 (2018年).


Recent Single Authored Papers

“Longing for Paradise through ‘Authentic’ Hula Performance in Contemporary Japan,” Japanese Studies 35: 3 (December 2015) 303-315.

“Japanese Reinvention of Self through Hawai‘i’s Japanese Americans,” Pacific Historical Review 83: 2 (May 2014) 333-349. (reprinted in Lon Kurashige and Madeline Hsu, eds., Pacific America: Histories of Transpacific Crossings, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2017). 

「米大統領選から見える深い溝〜アメリカを分断する白人貧困層の怒りと悲しみ」『Journalism』No. 325 (2017年6月) 62-69.

“Tolerance, Reconciliation, and Alliance of Hope: Pearl Harbor Narratives in Japan,” in Beth Bailey and David Farber, eds., Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2019) 194-206. 

“Reorienting Pearl Harbor Memories: From Antagonists to Allies, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Reorientation of USS Arizona Memorial” Change Over Time: A Heritage of War, Conflict, and Commemoration 9.1. (Spring 2019) 34-47.

「グローバル・ヒストリーとハワイ−国立歴史民俗博物館「ハワイ 日本人移民の150年と憧れの島の成り立ち」批評『同時代史研究』13号(2020年)105-108.

04 Honors and Awards

2011年 第27回ヨゼフ・ロゲンドルフ賞