Guibourg DELAMOTTE - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members


Other Affiliations Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (Inalco) Research Interests Security and International relations in Asia; Japanese foreign and defense policies, Japanese internal politics and political system Website
01 Description of Research

A French and Australian dual citizen, Guibourg Delamotte works on Japan’s foreign and security policies, and Japanese domestic politics.

A tenured Full Professor of Political Science at the Japanese studies department of the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco), which she heads, she is a Research Fellow with the French Research Institute on East Asia (Ifrae, Inalco). She has been posted at Inalco since 2006. She also teaches at Sciences Po Paris.

She is Visiting Senior Research Fellow of the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST, University of Tokyo). She is also Distinguished Research Fellow of the Japan Forum on International Relations (JFIR, Tokyo) and Academic Fellow of the Institute for Contemporary Asian Studies (Temple University Japan, Tokyo). She was a National Institute of Defense Studies Fellow (MoD, Tokyo) in 2010.

She read law at Paris Panthéon Assas and the University of Oxford, Japanese at Inalco, political science at Sciences Po Paris. She defended her PhD dissertation in political studies on Japan’s defence policy at the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. It received the Highest honours, the Shibusawa-Claudel award and was published by Presses universitaires de France in 2010. She defended her Habilitation to supervise doctoral students on Japanese democracy at Sciences Po Paris. It was published in 2022.

Her most recent books are: Le Japon, un leader discret (Eyrolles, 2023), La Démocratie au Japon, singulière et universelle (ENS Ed., 2022), (coeditor with J. Brown and R. Dujarric) The Abe Legacy. How Japan has been shaped by Abe Shinzô, Lexington, 2021; (coeditor with C. Tellenne) Géopolitique et géoéconomie du monde contemporain. Conflits et puissances, La Découverte, 2021.

02 Short Biography

A French and Australian dual citizen, Dr. Guibourg Delamotte is Senior Lecturer (MCF HDR, habilitated to supervise research) of Political science at the Japanese studies department of the French Institute of Oriental Studies (Inalco). She lectured at Sciences Po Paris for 7 years. She teaches International relations, Japanese politics and classes on Contemporary Japan. 

Her “Habilitation to supervise research” (HDR, 2016), which she defended at Sciences Po, was on Japanese democracy. Her PhD dissertation (Ecole des Hautes études en sciences sociales), on Japanese defence policy (2007), received the Shibusawa-Claudel Award (2008). She graduated from the University of Oxford (M. Jur), Paris 2-Panthéon-Assas (M. Law), Inalco (Japanese), and SciencesPo Paris (BA, Masters in IR).

She speaks English, French and Japanese.

03 Major Publications

Books (monographies and edited volumes)

Guibourg Delamotte, Le Japon, un leader discret (2023)

Guibourg Delamotte, La Démocratie japonaise, singulière et universelle (ENS Editions, 2022)

Guibourg Delamotte, J. Brown and R. Dujarric (eds). The Abe Legacy. How Japan has been shaped by Abe Shinzô (Lexington, 2021)

Guibourg Delamotte and Cédric Tellenne (eds), Géopolitique et géoéconomie du monde contemporain. Puissance et conflits (La Découverte, 2021)

Guibourg Delamotte, Géopolitique du Japon (La Découverte, 2021)

Guibourg Delamotte (ed.), Le Japon dans le monde (CNRS, 2019)

Guibourg Delamotte (ed.), Japan’s World Power: Assessment, Outlook and Vision (Routledge, 2017)

Guibourg Delamotte, La Politique de défense du Japon (Presses universitaires de France, 2010)

Guibourg Delamotte et François Godement (eds), Géopolitique de l’Asie (Sedes-Armand Colin, 2007)

Peer-reviewed articles

« Dealing with China: A European perspective », Asia-Pacific Review, (2020), vol. 27 n°22, pp.109-123.

 « Relations Japon et Corée du Sud : le poids de l’histoire », Annuaire français des Relations internationales, Nov. 2020.

 « Face à la Corée du Nord : Une montée en gamme de l’outil militaire japonais », L’Asie stratégique, Revue de défense nationale, n°812, Summer 2018.

« Chine, Corée du Nord : la politique de sécurité japonaise face aux menaces régionales », L’Industrie de défense japonaise, renaissance et innovation, Etude de l’IRSEM, n°54, Jan. 2018, p.19-25. 

 « Fukushima, crise d’un modèle de gouvernance », Critique internationale, n°59, April-May 2013, p.107-117.

 «Japan’s Foreign Policy Beyond Short-term Politics », Asia Pacific Review, vol. 19, Oct. 2012, p.46-61.

«Political Constraints, Legal Devices and Japan’s Defense Doctrine: A Reassessment after the Democratic Party’s Victory», Korean Review of International Studies (KRIS), April 2011, p.89-109.

« Japon et Asie, un retour en suspens », La Vie des idées, 7 Dec. 2010, publication électronique, 9p.

« Le positionnement international du Japon après l’alternance », Revue des deux mondes, Feb. 2010, p.103-110.

« La coopération internationale du Japon entre contraintes politiques et créativité juridique », Ebisu, Winter 2009, p.45-64.

« La signification de l’alternance », Carnets du CAP (revue du ministère des Affaires étrangères), n°11, Summer-Fall 2009, p.125-132.

« The Split Diet and Political Renewal in Japan », Harvard Asia Pacific Review, Winter 2009.

« Japan and the Iraqi crisis», Harvard Asia Pacific Review, Fall, vol.7 (2004), pp.39-41.

Chapters in edited volumes

«Japon», Dictionnaire de la guerre et de la paix, B. Durieux, J-B Jeangène-Vilmer, F. Ramel (dir.), PUF, Paris, 2017.

« Démocratie made in Japan», Démocraties d’Asie (dir. Jean-Marie Bouissou), Philippe Picquier, Arles, 2015.

« Le Monde vu du Japon», Le Monde vue d’Asie (dir. Jean-Marie Bouissou), Philippe Picquier, Arles, 2013.

« Le Pacifisme, fondement de la démocratie ? Le cas du Japon. », La Démocratie et la guerre au XXIe siècle. De la paix démocratique aux guerres irrégulières, Jean-Vincent Holeindre et Geoffroy Murat (ed.), Hermann, Paris, 2012, 237p., p.133-141.

« The Political and Normative Constraints to Japan’s Defense Policy», Seapower and Maritime Strategy in Britain and Japan from the Alliance to the Post-9/11 World, Alessio Patalano (dir.), Global Oriental, London, 2012, p.159-177.

« Japon » et « Yasukuni », Dictionnaire de géopolitique et de géoéconomie, Pascal Gauchon (ed.), PUF, Paris 2011.

« Globalization’s impact on threat perception and defense postures in Northeast Asia », Geoffrey Till, Emrys Chew, Joshua Ho (ed.), Globalization and Defense in the Asia-Pacific, Routledge, London, 2009, 270p., p.73-89.

04 Honors and Awards

2008 Shibusawa-Claudel Award