James RAYMO - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members


Other Affiliations Princeton University Research interests Demography/Aging/Inequality/Japan Website https://sociology.princeton.edu/people/james-raymo Period of stay June 1, 2022 through December 20, 2022
01 Description of Research

Jim Raymo is Professor of Sociology and the Henry Wendt III ’55 Professor of East Asian Studies at Princeton University. Raymo’s research focuses primarily on evaluating patterns and potential consequences of major demographic changes in Japan. He has published widely on key features of recent family change, including delayed marriage, extended coresidence with parents, and increases in premarital cohabitation, shotgun marriages, and divorce. In other lines of research, he has examined health outcomes at older ages in Japan and their relationship with family, work, and local area characteristics and has examined multiple dimensions of well-being among the growing population of single mothers and their children in Japan. He is currently involved in a new project that explores explanations for low fertility in Japan and another that examines inequalities in children’s development in Japan. He is vice-president of the Population Association of America and associate editor of Demography and Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.

02 Publications and Other Research Activities

Raymo, James M. and Jia Wang. 2022. “Loneliness at Older Ages in the U.S.: Lonely Life Expectancy and the Role of Loneliness in Health Disparities.” forthcoming in Demography

Mizuochi, Masaaki and James M. Raymo. 2022. “Retirement Type and Cognitive Functioning in Japan.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 77: 759–768.

Furuya, Shiro and James M. Raymo. 2022. “Intergenerational Coresidence and Married Women’s Well-Being.” Asian Population Studies 18: 87–107.

Raymo, James M., Xiao Xu, Jersey Liang, BoRin Kim, and Mary Beth Ofstedal. 2022. “Later-Life Living Arrangements of Americans with and without Children: A Lifetable Approach.” Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 77: 181–190.

Raymo, James M., Fumiya Uchikoshi, and Shohei Yoda. 2021. “Marriage Intentions, Desires, and Pathways to Later and Less Marriage in Japan.” Demographic Research 44: 67–98.

Wang, Jia and James M. Raymo. 2021.“Non-standard Employment and Life Satisfaction in Japan” Journal of Marriage and Family. 83: 845–864.