John LIE - 東京カレッジ
Affiliated Members

John LIE

Other affiliations University of California, Berkeley Research Interest Social Theory, Political Economy, East Asia Website Periods of stay July 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024
01 Description of Research

John LIE’s research covers social theory, political economy, and East Asia. His primary current work is on how, despite all the advances in science and technology, we fail adequately to anticipate and deal with major crises we face. The resulting book, entitled The Global Environmental Crisis, should appear in 2024. The book is a more empirical articulation of The Consolation of Social Theory, which is an account of what social theory can and should strive for.

02 Short Biography

Lie’s principal professional service is in pedagogy, which includes an introductory textbook to sociology. He has also served in various administrative capacities, including five years as the Dean of International and Area Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He regularly reviews manuscripts for professional journals and academic publishers in the fields in which he works, and currently serves on fifteen editorial boards.

03 Publications and Other Research Activities


John Lie. Forthcoming. The Consolation of Social Theory. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

John Lie. Forthcoming. The Global Environmental Crisis: Science, Worldview, and Inaction. Oakland: University of California Press.

John Lie. 2021. Japan, the Sustainable Society: The Artisanal Ethos, Ordinary Virtues, and Everyday Life in the Age of Limits. Oakland: University of California Press.

John Lie, 2018. The Dream of East Asia: The Rise of China, Nationalism, Popular Memory, and Regional Dynamics in Northeast Asia. Ann Arbor: Association for Asian Studies.

John Lie. 2015. K-pop: Popular Music, Cultural Amnesia, and Economic Innovation in South Korea. Oakland: University of California Press.

John Lie. 2008. Zainichi (Koreans in Japan): Diasporic Nationalism and Postcolonial Identity. Berkeley: University of California Press.

John Lie. 2004. Modern Peoplehood. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.