MITA Kaori - 東京カレッジ
Project Researcher

MITA Kaori

01 Description of Research

My research focuses on science, technology, innovation, and politics of energy transition in oil producing states in the Arab Gulf region. The use of technology can increase productivity and enhance economic performance; however, it is difficult without institutions to support diffusion of the technology and proliferation of knowledge, and politics influences institutions and the landscape of technological transitions. I am particularly interested in the state affiliated enterprises’ role in renewable energy sector development, capability building through development of the renewable energy, and socioeconomic changes of energy transition in the Gulf region.

02 Short Biography

2022-2023 Co-researcher “Social Transformation of the Arab Gulf States under the Promoting Social Engagement of Youth” IDE JETRO

2021 Co-researcher “Comprehensive Study on Social Transformation of the Arab Gulf States under the National Development Visions” IDE JETRO

2020 Admission to Doctoral Program, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Public Policy, STI program

2018-2022 Research Administrator, Chuo University

2017-2018 Assistant Director/Academic Advisor, The Consulate General of the State of Kuwait, Kuwait Cultural Office

2013-2017 Academic Advisor, The Consulate General of the State of Kuwait, Kuwait Cultural Office

2015 MA in Political Science, Department of Political Science, College of Social and Behavioral Science, California State University, Northridge

03 Publications and Other Research Activities

Conference Presentation

2022 “Rise of Populism in Kuwait” Middle East Studies Association Annual Conference, Session IV-14, December 2022. (With H. Ishiguro)

2022 “Towards Energy Transformation: State-owned Enterprises of the Gulf” Globelics Academy 2022 at Tampere University, August 2022.

2022 “National Security, Science, and Technology in the Gulf”, Science, Technology and Art in International Relations, International Studies Association Annual Conference, March 2022. (With M. Brummer)

2019 “Higher Education’s Role in Promoting Growth with Middle East and North Africa Region” NAFSA 2019 Conference, MENA Session, May 2019. (With Karen Bauer and Jillian Collins)*


2017 “Decreased Rent Revenue and its Limited Political Consequences: 2016 General Election of Kuwait” Japan Association International Relations Annual Conference, October 2017