Leaving Tokyo College (Research and Administrative matters)
Leaving the Institute (Research)
1. Tokyo College Fund
If your employment period has less than 3 months left, you are not allowed to purchase new PCs or equivalent equipment from your fund.
2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Kakenhi)
If you transfer to any institute abroad: You can’t carry over your unused grant overseas. Processing must also be carried out to return the unspent grant funds. Please be sure to submit necessary documents to JSPS (or MEXT) in order to terminate the project by your resignation date.
Also submitting a Progressive Report and a Research Achievement Report to JSPS are required when the grant is terminated. For greater details, please contact the Research Support Team.
When you publish your research results that were handled by the grant, please make sure to add an acknowledgment that the research was granted by JSPS (or MEXT).
If you transfer to any domestic institute: There are some stipulations attached, but it is possible. For more information, please contact the Research Support Team.
3. PC List
When departing from Tokyo College, you are in principle unable to take your PC with you. Computers and other equipment purchased with public funds remain at the University of Tokyo.
However, if you transfer to a different department within the University, or you take a position at a different university within Japan, it may be possible to transfer ownership to your new place of work, so please let us know.
4. Office Restoration
Please clean up, do not leave any trash or personal possessions in your office space, and restore it to almost the same condition as when you moved in. If you want to send out your belongings, Tokyo College Secretariat can help you arrange a postman to pick up your boxes.
Leaving the Institute (Administrative Matters)
1. Formal letter of resignation:
The official resignation letter in UTokyo format needs to be turned in at least 30 days prior to your official resignation date only if you resign before the end of your employment term. It requires your original hand-written name and signature on the designated form.
2. Termination from Health Insurance Program
Termination Form: You need to fill in a form to terminate from Kyosai Health Insurance Program about one month before you leave Japan. If you plan to leave much earlier than your resignation date, we might ask you to sign a little earlier.
Returning Health Insurance Card: It’s valid until your last day of employment with UTokyo. However, because you can’t use the card itself while abroad anyway, please return it on your last day coming to Tokyo College. If it’s not possible to hand back, please be sure to send it back before you leave Japan.
3. Termination from Pension Program
Termination: Because this is associated with health insurance program, there is no special form to terminate. You will be automatically terminated when the health insurance termination is accepted.
Notification of Basic Pension Number: Basic Pension Number is just like a social security number in US which is issued to an individual enrolled in one of the public pension programs. The number will not be changed throughout your lifetime. Please keep either the hard copy or the number information.
Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments: If you are non-Japanese and you have a short coverage period under the National Pension system or joined the Employees' Pension Insurance system (Kyosai) more than six months, you can apply for the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments. Please make sure you are no longer covered by these pension systems and file the application for the payments within two years of leaving Japan.
Please refer for details of the payments on Japan Pension Service website.
4. Employment Insurance
Employment Insurance Card: If you change your job to any other institute/company in Japan, please hand it over to the next employer. The insurance number will be transferred to the next employer and your employment term will be added to the next one which will be used to calculate how much you can receive if you lose your job.
Separation Notice: If you do a job search after resigning from Tokyo College, until you find the next job, you can claim Unemployment Insurance. However, you must be an appropriate visa holder to work (e.g., Spouse Visa, Permanent Visa, and so on) in Japan even after you resign from Tokyo College. In order to claim the unemployment insurance, a “Separation Notice” needs to be issued from UTokyo.
5. Income Tax
National Income Tax: If you terminate in the middle of calendar year and it’s obvious that you will leave Japan and become a non-resident, we will make a “Year-end-adjustment” to reconcile your final tax in the calendar year. You can usually expect to get a part of withheld tax back.
Resident (Local) Tax: As we explain the resident tax charging system in the new-hire’s orientation, your resident tax associated with your income in last year is what you are paying now up to May next year. Therefore, you have to repay the rest of unpaid tax before you leave Japan. There are some optional ways to pay out. However, the easiest and least troublesome way is to have UTokyo to withhold it from your last salary.
6. University ID Card
Please return your University ID Card by the end of your termination day. It will automatically expire. If you need to come to Tokyo College even after your termination date, we will issue you a visitor card.
7. Pay slips
Please make sure to download all of your pay slips issued by UTokyo for future tax filing at your next affiliation/country. You will lose access to the UTokyo system the day after your resignation. Please refer to 'Payroll and Commuting Allowance' https://www.tc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/postdoc/1197/ for instructions on how to download them.
Last updated : November 01, 2024