Information concerning coverage by media
1. Please make sure to have your company’s official armband visible at all time when onsite.
2. Make sure to follow the instructions of the venue director with regards to the seating location and other information.
3. Please set your mobile phone on silent mode or switch it off.
4. Please contact the Tokyo College Secretariat in advance if you wish to make public any photographs or recordings.
5. Please be aware that depending on the venue and/or contents of the talk we may not be able to meet your requests.
6. Do not use flash photography as it will interfere with the session.
7. Please send any media, magazines etc. that contains the reports from your coverage to the Tokyo College Secretariat once published (*).
* Please see “Request for Submission of Copies of Publications/Recordings” for details.
Please register in advance using the form below and inform us of 1.Name of Event 2. Name of Company 3. Name 4. Telephone number 5. Email address 6. Purpose/Reason for attendance 7. Remarks.
Please come to the reception desk for press on the day. Please hand over one business card to the staff at the reception desk and you will be provided with a “Press ID”. If you do not have your company’s official armband and the “Press ID” visible on you, you will be requested to leave the site.
Request for Submission of Copies of Sample Publications/Recordings
We request that copies of any materials/recordings are submitted prior to publication/broadcast.
Please send all material to the following address with a cover letter.
Tokyo College
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo
Tokyo 113-0033
(Please write “Contains sample publications/recordings” in red ink on the envelope.
Please contact the following if you have any questions
Secretariat of the Tokyo College, The University of Tokyo