Corona Forum

The novel coronavirus pandemic, which began in earnest in early 2020, continues to have a tremendous impact on the lives of people around the world into the autumn of 2021. How do we contain such a formidable disease, and how do we envision the future after the pandemic? These are difficult yet important questions that humanity as a whole must address.
The pandemic has shed light on the societal structures that drive broader forces like politics and economics, the specific characteristics of which often go unnoticed. In order to fully envision a future after the pandemic, it is critical that we comprehend the strengths and weaknesses of such structures. With this in mind, Tokyo College synthesizes the knowledge generated the University of Tokyo, a multidisciplinary institution, in order to understand the nature of our current situation and consider possible responses in a cross-disciplinary manner. Tokyo College accomplishes this by holding symposiums, panel discussions, and other events that allow us to envision our future together.
It is impossible to deal with a pandemic within the framework of any single country alone—the future of humanity must be discussed on a global scale. We at Tokyo College actively promote the exchange of perspectives and information with overseas research institutions and researchers.