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Our Fifth Spring

HANEDA Masashi

The seasons have turned, and in April, we welcomed the new academic year. This is the fifth spring for Tokyo College. The number of early-career researchers at the College now totals 22, with two associate professors,…

Mark Bookman

HANEDA Masashi

On the morning of Friday, December 16th, Tokyo College Postdoctoral Fellow Mark Bookman passed away. He was only 31 years old. When I received the news that afternoon, it was so sudden that I could hardly…

CBAM? Sounds boring, but it might help save the planet

Michael KEEN

At the start of 2023, the European Union will begin introducing the world’s first Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). That sounds very dull and nerdy, and it may not grab many headlines. But if you care…

The Metaverse: What is it? How can we make use of it?

Tokyo College Blog

This blog post was created as part of the interdisciplinary “zengaku zemi” seminar “Humanity and the Digital” offered at the University of Tokyo during the 2022-2023 academic year. Author FUJITA Masayuki 2nd Year Undergraduate Student, Humanities…

“Woman, Life, Freedom”: Visiting Iran in 2022


“I don’t want you to leave…” said my friend sadly on the day that I left. With painful reluctance, I requested a ride through the rideshare app Snapp and left behind my heart as I headed…