Tamar MELADZE - 東京カレッジ


研究分野 文化遺産と持続可能な開発、伝統的知識体系、災害復旧における遺産
01 研究概要


02 経歴

2024 – 東京大学 東京カレッジ ポストドクトラル・フェロー

2021 – 2023 ユネスコ・アジア文化センター文化遺産保護協力事務所(日本)

2022 – 筑波大学 大学院博士課程(世界文化遺産学)博士号取得

2018 – 金沢大学 大学院文化資源マネジメント研究科修士課程修了

2010 – イヴァネ・ジャヴァヒシュヴィリ・トビリシ国立大学(グルジア)考古学学士号取得

03 研究業績


Meladze, Tamar. “Gender Relations and Tradition in Svaneti” in Kvantidze, G., Khizanishvili, M., Meladze,T., Abakelia, N., Nadiradze E (eds.), “Dina Kozhevnikova – Ethnographical Records”, Georgian National Museum, (2023): 62-71. ISBN 978-9941-9822-1-7 (in Georgian)

Meladze, Tamar. “Preserving the Past in Soviet Georgia: Restoration of Religious Monuments Behind the ‘Iron Curtain’ ”, Journal of Heritage Management, The Centre for Heritage Management, Ahmedabad University. SAGE Publications, Vol. 6, Issue 2 (2021): 105-119

Meladze, Tamar and Uekita Yasufumi. “Reconstructing the Sacred: The Controversial Process of Bagrati Cathedral’s Full- scale Restoration and Its World Heritage Delisting”, International Journal of Cultural Property, Cambridge University Press, Volume 27, Issue 3 (2020): 375-396


2022: Training Courses in Architectural Conservation Built on Japanese Experiences – ICOMOS CIF Symposium: Advancing Education for Architectural Conservation, 26-27 September, Florence, Italy

2021: Role of Archival Research in the Preservation of Traditional Knowledge under the Risk: A Case Study of Ethnographic Recordings of Evdokia Kozhevnikova, Svaneti, Georgia – Challenges to Manage Cultural Recourses During Crisis, CRM Symposium organized by Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) and the National Museum of Japanese History (NMJH), (online)

04 受賞歴

Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia, Basic Research State Grants, “Unknown Archive Materials from the Georgian National Museum about the Life of Svaneti”, 2019-2023

Best Thesis Award in World Cultural Heritage Studies Program for the thesis Preservation, Restoration and Use of Religious Monuments in Soviet and Contemporary Georgia—research based on the case of Bagrati Cathedral, 2022